IHEEM’s IFHE representative, Andy Wavell, reports that the 2013 edition of the IFHE Digest is ‘progressing well’. Most articles have been received and are in the process of being edited and formatted for the final publication.
He said: “As this edition will be an electronic publication, we would like to ensure member organisations have the best possible access to it. As liaison between IFHE and the publisher, I would appreciate confirmation from member organisations on the most appropriate way for members of those organisations to access the Digest.” Members are reminded the agreement IFHE has with the publisher is for 50 printed copies to be sent to each member organisation. Once the Digest for 2013 is complete, work will commence on the 2014 edition, in order that there is sufficient time for the process of seeking articles, and then allowing authors sufficient time to produce meaningful submissions. Andy Wavell is keen to hear from members willing to assist in the process of procuring and ‘vetting’ articles for the 2014 edition. He can be contacted at: a.wavell@tiscali.co.uk