Develop a robust equipment strategy from the outset
Giles Hartley, Equipment Project manager for the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s Hospitals of the Future Project – who has a wealth of experience in the procurement and management of medical and non-medical equipment for healthcare facilities – explains the critical importance of developing a robust equipment strategy from the outset when embarking on designing and delivering new such facilities, and particularly complex, large-scale hospital projects.
Ensuring that your laundry has a clean bill of health
While maintaining a sterile environment is aways a priority for on-premises laundries (OPLs), the importance of this factor is redoubled for healthcare estates – where eliminating the risk of cross-contamination is essential to preventing the spread of bacteria. With this in mind, Mick Christian, Training & Demonstration manager for Electrolux Professional UK & Ireland, discusses best practice, and how new technologies can help Laundry managers enhance both hygiene and productivity.
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Airsentry® is based near Malmesbury, in Wiltshire.
In 2001 we realised that there was undocumented air contamination occurring to surfaces, through our owners previous innovation of ICU and OR service delivery pendants, as CEO of Trumpf Kreuzer UK.
It took from 2001 to 2003 to translate this into a workable concept and to 2007...