A ‘large proportion’ of hospitals may be at risk of non-compliance with BS 72734, without being aware, warns Siemens Building Technologies Fire Products.
The Standard relates mainly to passive fire protection measures, and particularly to the control and operation of doors. It is aimed at preventing rapid spread of smoke and fire in the event of a fail-safe condition.
BS 7273-4 includes requirements for the electrical control arrangements for actuation of mechanisms that unlock, release, or open doors in the event of fire. It also applies to all aspects of the interface between these mechanisms and a fire detection and alarm system.
Derrick Hall, head of Siemens Building Technologies Fire Products says: “If the smoke detectors and alarms connect to fire protection systems such as doors, smoke dampers, or lift returns, the whole system must comply. The Standard states that hospitals must adhere to the highest, truly fail-safe level – Category A.
“The Fire Industry Association acknowledges that BS 7273-4 seems straightforward at first, but it is unlikely that an existing EN54-2 fire panel will fully comply without modification. It is the supplier’s job to confirm that the installed system meets the Standard’s requirements and recomendations.”