
Eastwood Park announces first free electrical workshop for 2015

Eastwood Park has announced its first free electrical workshop for 2015 – to be held on 30 April 2015, commencing at 9.45 am for a 10.00 am start, with lunch and networking opportunities, and closing at 2.30pm. The event will be held at its training centre at Falfield, Wotton-under-Edge, in Gloucestershire.

The training establishment said: “These insights into electrical compliance within healthcare estates are led by our electrical trainer and Authorising Engineer, Peter Handforth. They present an opportunity to take a fresh look at statutory compliance, and what has changed. They continue to grow in popularity, so early booking is advisable.”

The workshop will take the electrical installation through a journey from the design to the maintenance of the existing installation, looking at the various stages.


•        Design.

•        Installation.

•        Commissioning / certification.

•        Alterations and additions.

•        Maintenance.


It will identify:

•    The relevant documentation at each stage, using practical examples and discussions, including the relevant HTM documentation, and meeting other statutory and non-statutory requirements,

•        The personnel involved, and their roles.

•        Changes to the use of a building or an area.

•        A detailed look at the requirements to maintain an electrical installation, and examples of what this includes.


For more information, T: (0)1454 262777, or email training@eastwoodpark.co.uk


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