Ryhurst claims to be ‘the marketleader’ in strategic estates partnerships (SEP) and advice, ‘working solely in the healthcare sector helping NHS Trusts manage their estate to improve efficiency and reduce costs, while ensuring alignment of estates and clinical strategies’.
The company said: “NHS Trusts often talk about partnerships, but only benefit as long as the partnership fulfils local needs. A partnership with Ryhurst means flexibility, non-exclusivity, and a joining of skills, knowledge, and experience.”
Ryhurst says it helps NHS Trusts ‘make significant savings and deliver an efficient estate’ through ‘innovative use of existing space and reducing property costs’, while also seeking commercial opportunities to generate income.
It said: “We bring no supply chain, which ensures that the right solution can be delivered at the right price case by case, whether sourcing funding for a new capital development, or renegotiating existing services and PFI contracts. Our partnership model is a non-exclusive arrangement, allowing the Trust to maintain flexibility and ownership of its estate and assets.”