
System's 50-year pedigree

The ‘world-renowned’ Vernacare system of hygienic patient toileting and washing was invented by Vernacare in the UK over 50 years ago.

Vernacare, which claims to be the only company to offer a complete human waste system, designs and manufactures single-use bedpans, urinals, and washbowls, from renewable natural fibre, at its UK production facility in Lancashire. Products are disposed of in healthcare settings via Vernacare’s Vortex range of disposal units, which it says ‘improve standards of patient safety, reduce the risk of infection, save money and nurses’ time, and lower impact on the environment’. 

The Vortex design includes hands-free opening, an auto-start function, and a self-diagnosing LCD display, ‘to ensure quick and simple repairs’. Vernacare said: “The Vortex operates using a closed-drum system which also features a manual emptying override. Independent tests have shown that the unit discharges four times more quickly than alternative machines. 

Supported by a national team of service engineers, we offer flexible service options, and a first-time fix rate of over 90 per cent.”



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