
IFHE promotion and contact with other organisations

IFHE president Steve Drinkrow took part in a symposium on the Role of Healthcare Engineering in Providing Safe and Sustainable Health Service Environment in Nairobi, and in a subsequent workshop on Advanced Healthcare Technology Management in Mombasa.

On behalf of the president, the general secretary attended the Designing for Sustainable Healthcare Facilities in Africa symposium held in Pretoria last August in conjunction with the 26th Annual Seminar of the Public Health Group of the International Union of Architects (UIA PHG).

The opportunity was taken to publicise IFHE, and the opening remarks of the symposium specifically welcomed Prof Yasushi Nagasawa, acknowledging his election to the office of IFHE second vice president, and as representative of HEAJ Japan, which had been selected to organise the 21st IFHE Congress in Tokyo in 2010. Prof Nagasawa delivered a paper at the symposium. The general secretary was able to speak to Luub Wessels, director of the UIA PHG, and other delegates, with a view to describing to UIA members the “umbrella” role that IFHE plays in broad field of healthcare facility design, engineering and maintenance, and to encourage them to participate to a greater extent in IFHE activities and congresses.

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