
Making car parking quick and stress-free

Mark Anfield, Operations Director at Capita Parking Services (ParkingEye & Capita Parking Services), examines the company’s approach to ensuring that car parking on hospital sites is as stress-free as possible for patients, visitors, and staff – an area where technology such as ANPR cameras and automated payment can play a big part.

The financial pressures facing all NHS Trusts around the country are more acute than ever before, and it has never been more important for such organisations to ensure that they are getting the most from all their assets. Whether it’s through generating cost savings, or identifying new revenue streams, each and every NHS Trust must look at all aspects of its estate to ensure that they are all operating as efficiently as possible. 

One vast and vital part of a hospital estate are car parks. Used by thousands of people every day, providing parking for both staff and patients, and emergency access for blue light services, parking around hospitals must be clear, efficient, and fit for the needs of each individual hospital. Parking issues can have life or death consequences for patients. One hospital that ParkingEye worked with in Wales found it couldn’t get oxygen delivered onto site because cars were blocking the route, and others were struggling to keep blue light routes clear, slowing down ambulances as they tried to get patients to Accident and Emergency departments.

Some hospitals also lose money because they do not generate appropriate revenue from their car parks due to outdated parking solutions. This allows drivers to park without paying. These factors, and a variety of other pressures, can lead to time management issues, and require extra staffing and security. They can also result in a lack of available spaces for patients at peak times, and reduced revenue for NHS Trusts at a time when every penny is important.

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