
Time and cost savings guaranteed

Courtney Thorne says its ‘future-proof’ Altra Health SMART wireless nurse call solution, designed to meet HTM 08-03 guidelines, and with a three-year warranty as standard, ‘doesn’t just look smart, but can also wirelessly integrate with different devices and applications used throughout hospitals’.

It said: “This simplifies many functions, and is proven to make significant cost savings. Altra Health achieves this by providing automation and monitoring, enabling staff to become more productive and spend less time on paperbased administrative tasks. Secure cloudbased communication provides managers with remote access to reports, to help them make more informed decisions. 

“Altra Health requires no costly wiring, meaning initial installation and any future changes in design or operation will not interrupt patient care. Savings of up to 40% are readily achieved when compared with legacy hard-wired or IP systems.” 

Courtney Thorne says its wireless systems are ‘popular as a breakout system, ensuring continuity for safety critical operation’. It added: “When legacy hard-wired systems suddenly fail, preconfigured Altra Health systems can be installed immediately and used within in a matter of hours as a failsafe. This is achieved without the need to close off wards or relocate patients.”



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