
Drama-free theatre equipment service packages

Brandon Medical, the designer and manufacturer of advanced technology for operating theatres and critical care areas, says it can now offer a range of service and maintenance packages ‘for the majority of installed equipment to be found in any operating theatre or other hospital department environment’.

The Leeds-headquartered firm said: “Brandon Medical has provided healthcare professionals with reliable, high quality, and affordable medical equipment packages for operating theatres and critical care for over 70 years. We carry out installation and commissioning work in hospitals both in the UK and overseas, and offer servicing on all supplied systems. We are acknowledged experts in medical lighting, medical power and control systems, and medical video and medical AV systems, with unique expertise in providing integrated solutions.

“As an experienced and professional provider of planned preventive maintenance, we can now offer a range of tailored service and maintenance packages for all UPS, medical IT (IPS), theatre control panel, operating light, medical service pendant, and UCV needs. Maintenance is provided in accordance with current regulatory and recommended criteria.” 

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