
Innovative building promises practical solutions

The off-site construction company, Terrapin Ltd builds and ships medical facilities ranging from GPs’ surgeries to hospital operating theatres in its specialist Bedfordshire factory. With off-site construction well established in other sectors, the company is focusing on the opportunities it can offer to NHS Trusts and other healthcare providers.

Damian McColgan, Head of Business Development at Terrapin, says: “The message we want to convey is that our off-site construction techniques offer excellent solutions for the healthcare sector. Off-site construction has matured and it is now a quality alternative to bricks and mortar, with the added benefit that it can be used for permanent and relocatable buildings.

“Terrapin uses modern construction technologies to deliver better buildings faster and more sustainably. Our buildings are designed to the same safety and performance standards as other structures, but we employ standardised specifications which provide opportunities to exploit economies of scale. This makes off-site construction an ideal choice for turnkey projects – now one of our core capabilities.”

To date, Terrapin’s healthcare projects include a 7,600 sq ft medical centre in Bedfordshire, accommodation for mental health patients in north London, and a 40,000 sq ft two-storey extension at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend. The Bridgend building includes ophthalmic, urology and neurology clinics, two theatres and a rapid assessment unit.

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