
Dispelling some myths around copper silver

Joris Post, director at Dutch-headquartered specialist in copper silver ionisation, ATECA, says he is passionate about the safety of water systems in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

In this article he outlines some of the key benefits of using the technology to keep such water systems free from Legionella and other potentially harmful waterborne microorganisms. As he puts it, ‘every hospital, medical centre, and nursing home, needs to be able to guarantee 100% safe water, and copper silver ionisation is the best way to get that guarantee’.

In a country dominated by water, it is anything but unlikely to have a passion for clean and healthy water. Water is, after all, a prerequisite, but what if this drinking water is contaminated with Legionella, E. coli, or Pseudomonas? In the healthcare sector, particularly this forms a serious threat; thus various scientists and technicians have attempted to come up with ways to prevent waterborne pathogens such as Legionella in water installations. 

Chlorine dioxide 

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