
Eastwood Park’s new training centre ‘reaches next major milestone’

Eastwood Park says construction of its new training centre in Gloucestershire has ‘reached its next major milestone’.

CEO, John Thatcher, said: “Over the years you may have followed our desire to build our brand-new training facility – it has, after all, been a mammoth project; one where two steps forward and three back appeared to become the norm at times. We – like many of you – are continuing to face the challenges of an ageing estate, its Grade 2 listing, and its 200 acres of Gloucestershire countryside. However, this expansive estate is what makes our environment so appropriate for learning, and we remain one of the few places where you can stay and train. This creates considerable benefits of networking, socialising with likeminded classmates, and an opportunity to remove yourself from day-to-day distractions, ready to learn new skills or refresh old ones.

“So, after dealing with complex planning constraints, ecological setbacks, and the coming and goings of a couple of developers, we are delighted to say we have reached our next milestone. The completed building – being built by Construction Total Solutions – will be handed over imminently, and we are now all set for the healthcare ‘fit-out’. Such a complex fit-out cannot be underestimated – the centre is in effect a mini-hospital, but structured so as to create a highly practical learning environment for hospital engineering, estates, and decontamination teams, and other FM providers.

“So, we are getting there. Thank you to those who continue to recognise the value of our training, and the equipment suppliers who have shown such patience – it’s now starting to get exciting – and for supporting us during this next and final phase of the build. With us all battling with the impacts of COVID-19, it’s good to have such a positive focus that we are confident will bring benefits to many.”

Suppliers interested in providing equipment for use in the new facility should contact Lyndsay Corbett, Training Manager, on 01454 262777.

Eastwood Park
GL12 8DA

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