
Healthcare estate resilience in focus

IHEEM is set to hold a number of seminars on resilience and emergency planning during June in London and Birmingham.

One of the topics examined will be the new Health Building Note 00-07, one of the first of the new suite of HBNs to be published, which provides guidance on developing NHS facilities that are resilient to a range of threats and hazards. The term “resilience” relates to the ability of a building and its services to withstand the impact of an incident or emergency.

Relevant to the whole NHS estate, and including private sector premises providing NHS healthcare or other services to the NHS, and equally applicable to new schemes and existing facilities, the HBN provides a “strategic approach” to resilience planning and technical guidance on measures to enhance resilience.

The seminars will aim both to introduce HBN 00-07 and to provide background on the theory behind resilience planning and how it can be deployed effectively in both existing premises and the design of new buildings.

To register interest in attending one of the seminars contact Louise Corfield on 02392 823186 or email: louise.corfield@iheem.org.uk

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