
Five key drivers for Terms of Reference review

In early 2019 a full governance review across all of IHEEM’s core business activities was undertaken by Head Office.

In early 2019 a full governance review across all of IHEEM’s core business activities was undertaken by Head Office. The operation and management of Technical Platforms (TP) and Boards of Registration(AE) ((BOR(AE)) was identified as a corporate risk, and this, together with the recommendation to undertake a review, was discussed with and agreed by the Executive Council. As this article explains, the Engineering Council UK’s licencing review in 2019 also issued a ‘red alert’ in relation to how the TPs were being managed.

IHEEM’s CEO, Pete Sellars, says in explaining the review: “There were five key drivers that highlighted the need to review and update the Terms of Reference for our Technical Platforms and AE management arrangements, as follows:

“In March 2019,” Pete Sellars continued, “I advised all TP chairs of the intention to undertake a review, and the broad context was then set out for initial feedback. This subsequently formed the basis of a detailed face-to-face discussion held in July 2019, where we sought initial feedback from TP Chairs around key topics such as professional indemnity, along with trademarking, and concerns around individuals and companies operating under the IHEEM brand without having approval to do so. In February 2020, at an IHEEM Strategic Planning event, Council considered the findings of that review, and unanimously agreed that governance and assurance around TP and BoR(AE) activities should be strengthened to meet the points provided in the rationale set out above.”

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