Speaking as part of the European Healthcare Design Congress, three senior speakers fror, Brandon Medical, discussed how the use of ‘smart and flexible’ such equipment is key in supporting Modern Methods of Construction
Speaking as part of the European Healthcare Design Congress in mid-June, three senior speakers from leading operating theatre equipment manufacturer, Brandon Medical, discussed how the use of ‘smart and flexible’ such equipment is key in supporting Modern Methods of Construction, but can also ensure that hospitals planning modern surgical environments today will not find them left behind in 4-5 years’ time by advances in technology or new surgical techniques. HEJ editor, Jonathan Baillie, reports.
Hosted by SALUS Global Knowledge, the European Healthcare Design Congress 2021 proved a wide-ranging and comprehensive four-day online conference supported by awards, taking place ‘virtually’ from 14-17 June. Topics covered ranged from ‘The digital hospital’ and ‘Transformation through telehealth’, to ‘Patient experiences and preferences’, “Delivering an adaptable estates strategy for healthcare’, and ‘Putting into practice the principles of the New Hospital Programme’. The Brandon Medical presentation, ‘Smart technologies in the modern operating room’, formed part of a fourth day session on ‘Intelligent hospital design and innovation’.
Harnessing flexibility to support theatre projects
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