
Fast-track approach eases pressure on Walsall Trust

Construction and engineering teams at Tilbury Douglas have worked together to deploy a fast-track MMC approach to help the Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust alleviate COVID-19 and winter-related pressures.

Oliver Hollick, Framework manager, Tilbury Douglas Engineering, Midlands and North-West Region, describes how, in recent months, the construction and engineering teams at Tilbury Douglas have worked together to deploy a fast-track MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) approach to support the Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust in alleviating COVID-19 and winter-related pressures at Walsall Manor Hospital, and some of the key projects involved.

Since the pandemic started, there has been a surge in demand for rapid infrastructure solutions and delivery to help NHS estates manage increased demand on services. As one of the Principal Supply Chain Partners on the ProCure22 framework, Tilbury Douglas (formerly trading as Interserve Construction) has delivered over 10 urgent COVID-related projects to date – from wards to vaccine centres, several of which have been based in the Midlands

In recent months, both the construction and engineering teams at Tilbury Douglas have worked together to deploy a fast-track MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) approach to support the Trust at Walsall Manor Hospital in alleviating COVID-19 and winter-related pressures. As an existing partner to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust through the new P22 Emergency Department development, we were tasked by the Trust to undertake several fast-track conversions and adaptations of existing spaces to manage increased patient volumes.

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