
UK’s ‘greenest health centre’ is now open to patients

A facility said to be the UK’s greenest health centre built to meet Passivhaus certification – Foleshill Heath Centre in Coventry – has opened its doors to patients.

A facility said to be the UK’s greenest health centre built to meet Passivhaus certification – Foleshill Heath Centre in Coventry – has opened its doors to patients. Julian Humphreys, Community Health Partnerships’ Programme manager, and the Delivery lead for the Centre – who has been involved since approval of the Outline Business Case in August 2018 – reports. 

The £3.3 million project is a partnership between DHSC-owned Community Health Partnerships (CHP) and NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and the new tenants, Foleshill Surgery – a GP practice, and part of Coventry and Rugby GP Alliance, have now moved in. The Foleshill Heath Centre has five consulting rooms and two treatment rooms, and serves an area of Coventry with high health needs. Foleshill is the first and only British healthcare building awaiting certification to the globally recognised Passivhaus* standard. This is the first time that NHSE&I has approved this type of building for the NHS in England, following a detailed scrutiny process. Foleshill not only leads the way for carbon emissions reduction in this type of building, but also demonstrates its potential for repetition and upscaling across the future health estate, contributing to the NHS carbon Net Zero target, and supporting its aim to be the world’s first Net Zero national health service.


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