
A roadmap for delivering a carbon-neutral hospital

Anuradha Sabherwal, a senior associate at NBBJ, and Jon Nuttall, an associate director at Hoare Lee, take a look at some of the key steps to take in designing, delivering, and operating and maintaining, a Net Zero Carbon hospital.

The NHS has set a target of delivering Net Zero Carbon by 2040 to reflect the UK’s commitment to achieve 100% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050. With the wave of new hospitals being commissioned by the UK Government as part of the Health Infrastructure Plan, NHS Trusts and design teams are investing now in strategies that are ‘Net Zero Ready’ to meet these targets. Hospitals are among the most energyintensive buildings on the planet, because of their size, technical complexity, 24-hour operations, and the medical equipment needed to diagnose and treat patients. Other impacts such as waste management and water efficiency must also be considered, to address the overarching environmental sustainability targets supporting the principles of resource efficiency, circular economy, reducing environmental impact, and climate resilience. With the decarbonisation of the UK’s grid, all NHS hospitals can be designed to be Net Zero-ready, fully electrified buildings, that move away from fossil fuels.

The NHS publication, Delivering a Net Zero NHS, has identified that an estimated 62% reduction in NHS carbon footprint 2020 has been achieved from the 1990 baseline, but to reach Net Zero targets, we need to achieve a further 6.1 Mt CO2e reduction in emissions. So, how can we reach this ambitious target? The NHS 2040 Net Zero goal can be achieved through better building design that supports the rhythms of nature, and the health and wellbeing of patients, staff, and visitors, while saving energy and costs with no discernible negative impact on human comfort conditions (Fig 1).

Integration with a wider sustainable design approach

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