
The multi-faceted role of the electrical AE

Bill Reeves BEng, MSc, CEng, MIET, MIHEEM, Electrical Infrastructure and AE at Eta Projects, explains the value of the electrical AE, and outlines the extensive duties that the role demands in hospitals and other healthcare settings.

The fundamental role of the Authorising Engineer (AE) is to act as an independent professional advisor to organisations, to provide expert technical guidance and advice, and to ensure that they comply with regulatory and statutory legislation. However, not many organisations are aware of the expertise and value that an AE can contribute by ensuring that their health and safety policies and procedures are robust and providing technical guidance and leadership. The role of the AE is clearly defined in the NHS healthcare environment through the guidance in the Health Technical Memoranda, HTM 06-02, Electrical guidance for low voltage systems, and HTM 06-03, Electrical guidance for high voltage systems. The same level of guidance is missing in the private sector

The core objective of HTM 06 and /or other electrical safety guidance publications for managing electrical systems safely is to ensure:

Criteria for, and appointment of, an AE

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