An alert document relating to mobile
heated food trolleys has been issued by
the DH Estates and Facilities
The trolleys are from various
manufacturers/suppliers, and the problem
concerns damage which may occur to the
electrical power plug with consequential
electric shock injury. There is risk of death
by electrocution, it is stated.
Specified action is careful and regular inspection, and adherence to manufacturers’ recommended daily check procedures.
The Trust chief executive, or the board member with special responsibility for health and safety, in accordance with local procedures, has to ensure that the alert document is brought to the attention of appropriate staff who should take the following action:
1 Ensure the plug is disconnected from the power source and correctly located in the trolley plug holder before moving the trolley.
2 Ensure cable stowage devices are properly used when the trolley is in motion.
3 Carry out a regular and frequent visual inspection of the plug and cable.
4 Arrange for the device to undergo Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) more frequently than six monthly intervals.
5 Consider appropriate training for operators to check points 1, 2 and 3 above.
A background note in the alert document states that damage to a plug has resulted in the earth core of the cable being detached from the plug earth pin and coming in contact with the live pin. Electric shock injury occurred.
All other electrically powered food trolleys should be treated in a similar manner.
Enquiries can be address to John Morgan at DH Estates and Facilities Directorate (telephone: 0113 254 6362, e-mail: