
Priorities for effective groundworks addressed

Declan Armour, managing director of Shanco Contracts, explains the importance of effective groundworks for modular builds, and how to avoid unnecessary costs and delays.

The speed and ease of modular construction are two of its major benefits for the healthcare sector. Facilities can be expanded quickly, safely, and efficiently, minimising disruption for patients and staff. However, the success of a modular building project relies on several elements, and one of the most important is the groundworks. Poor planning and inadequate site research can diminish some of the benefits of offsite construction, leading to programme delays and unexpected costs. To avoid these risks and drive efficiencies across the project, there are a number of considerations for facilities and project managers.

Engage early

An experienced groundworks contractor should be involved in a modular build project at the earliest opportunity – ideally the tender stage. This enables any potential challenges which could affect the construction programme and costs, to be identified from the outset. 

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