
Research aiming to improve collaboration between EFM teams – your views needed now

Healthcare estates and facilities personnel keen to see wider collaboration between such professionals – for example with those working in neighbouring NHS Trusts – are being encouraged to complete a questionnaire sharing their experience in this area, and to distribute the survey link to their colleagues and counterparts.

The views and experiences of healthcare estates personnel on the extent to which valuable experience of good practice, and also on the challenges that EFM staff nationwide encounter day-to-day, are being sought by 15 November as part of a three-year research study led by Carl-Magnus von Behr, a Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for Manufacturing within the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, and regular HEJ contributor.

He explains: “The overall aim of the study, which is being undertaken at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is to enhance collaboration among EFM staff in the NHS, to enable a more resilient and sustainable delivery of care. In the first stage we want to identify the knowledge needs of Estates staff at all levels. The results will inform the design and implementation of appropriate channels and techniques for meaningful knowledge-sharing among EFM staff. For this, the research team is looking for participation in this survey from Estates staff at all levels, and from a wide range of disciplines.”

He continues: “The research team’s aim is to create a holistic overview of knowledge needs and available knowledge sources for EFM staff, and to drive staff engagement through complementary channels customised for different EFM roles, for example via forums and webinars.”

The team says participants will gain ‘unique insights’ into the collaboration mechanisms in the NHS, with a full report set to be published by a full by May 2023, as well as gaining access to a comprehensive guide of available EFM knowledge-sharing channels, and receiving ‘actionable insights’ on how to improve knowledge-sharing with other EFM teams

To participate, click the following survey link: https://cambridge.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9RWd1vt01lKWEo6 by 15 November 2022. Participation in the research is anonymous and free. Carl-Magnus von Behr added: “Please also distribute the link among your Estates colleagues so that we can get views from a broad representation of roles.”

For more information on the study, please see the HEJ article at: https://www.healthestatejournal.com/story/37082/overcoming-key-barriers-to-efm-knowledge-sharing  or contact Carl-Magnus von Behr at: cmv30@cam.ac.uk or +44 7552 877625.



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