Rigel Medical has recently updated a
number of new features in its multipurpose
electro medical
safety analyser, the
Rigel 277 Plus.
Specifically designed to test in accordance with all main industry standards, including IEC/EN 60601-1, MDA DB9801 and IEC/EN 61010, the device can test medical equipment with multitype applied parts in a single test routine. This means, for example, that equipment under test can have both BF and CF applied parts, allowing combined medical equipment such as ECGs with defibrillator paddles or SpO2/NIBP probes to be tested quickly and easily in a single test routine.
The Rigel 277 Plus offers dedicated measuring devices (body model) for both IEC 60601 and IEC 61010 and provides manual, automatic and semi-automatic test sequences to fully control and minimise the number of power-up and power-down delay times, thus speeding up the test routine.
In addition, the upgraded version includes a number of other operating improvements that help to increase the level of traceability provided for test results.