
Electrical infrastructure upgrade at Woolwich’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital

McLaren Construction has been appointed on behalf of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust to deliver site-wide infrastructure works to the 482-bedded hospital Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich.

The construction company says the ‘circa £30 m capital cost’ investment will bring improved estate resilience by delivering new primary high-voltage and low-voltage electricity distribution, back-up generators, a refurbished energy centre, a new vacuum insulated evaporator compound, and associated structural and building works. Ventilation improvements include replacement of the air-handling units serving the operating theatres, Pathology, the delivery suite, special care baby unit, and ward areas.

It said: “The extensive works require around 6 kms of armoured electrical cable including 1 km of high voltage electrical cable, 1.3 kms of busbars, 9 new air-handling units, 19 refurbished air-handling units, and three 1.5 kVA generators.”

McLaren engaged with clinicians, the Estates team, the facilities management provider, and other stakeholders in the hospital to develop an 80-week programme to support the Trust’s ‘business as usual’ policy. The resulting works programme ‘avoids intrusive structural alterations impacting clinical delivery’, and allows sufficient lead time to engage with departmental heads.

Guy Pocock, the Trust’s associate director of Capital Planning and Development, said: “The work at Queen Elizabeth Hospital will improve the electrical infrastructure, oxygen supply, and ventilation to clinical areas. This will bring the electrical and ventilation systems up to modern standards and create more resilience in our oxygen supplies to benefit patient care.”

McLaren will be working with sub-contractor, Dowds Group. The works have commenced, and are due to complete in June 2024.


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