
New NHS MMC toolkit ‘provides a consistent view’

A new NHS Modern Methods of Construction Toolkit and accompanying User Guide are intended ‘to provide a framework and key themes to create a coherent Modern Methods of Construction strategy’.

Andrew Rolf, Healthcare Technical Advisory lead at Mott MacDonald, Helen Sturdy, National head and Procurement Framework and Construction lead at ProCure23, and Colin Hamilton, Sector director – Health, ISG, discuss the Government’s growing preference for the use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in both new-build and ‘refurb’ healthcare projects. Against this backdrop, they explain that a new NHS Modern Methods of Construction Toolkit, and accompanying User Guide, are intended ‘to provide a framework and key themes to create a coherent MMC strategy’.

ProCure 23 (P23) is a proactive framework, delivered by the NHS, for the NHS, which aims to meet the need for improved patient outcomes, to minimise disruption, and to add social value for local communities. Construction undertaken under ProCure23 will offer life-long value, quality, and adaptability, and a reduced environmental impact, as well as creating a desirable place to work. P23 recognises that NHS Trusts need support to understand the opportunities that Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) can bring, how they have evolved over time and continue to do so, and how they provide consistency of approach and the agility to innovate. 

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