
Help in interpreting and applying HTM 03-01 guidance

Critical cooling specialist, Airedale by Modine, has launched an HTM 03-01 ‘white paper’ to assist consultants, estate managers, and buying groups, within the healthcare sector interpret and apply HTM 03-01 guidelines.

Offering ‘a comprehensive overview of the guidelines’,  it covers areas such as indoor air quality, HTM 03-01 design requirements, efficiency and sustainability, compliance documentation, and allowable derogations. Airedale explained: “HTM 03-01 provides guidance for engineering technology, in particular on the legal requirements, design, specification, installation, maintenance, and operation of ventilation systems in NHS healthcare premises. It can be complex and involved, with those in the industry sometimes needing further clarity as to how it impacts the projects they are working with.”

Airedale says this says this ‘confusion around compliance’ has seen reports of some manufacturers submitting ‘compliant’ AHU designs for healthcare facilities that in reality do not comply. It added: “Exploiting the buying group’s lack of specialist knowledge in this area, it is an unfair practice, that can potentially put the healthcare environment, and people within it, at risk.

“A core function of an HTM 03-01-compliant AHU is to reduce airborne infection risks in critical areas of the building. Its purpose is to reduce bioburden via filtration and dilution of the air, and maintain spaces at appropriate pressure to prevent ingress or egress of dangerous microorganisms. A compliant AHU also brings fresh air in the, while controlling air temperature, humidity, and odours. It is thus key that manufacturers either work to the NHS regulations, or are transparent about derogations, for the safety and well-being of service-users.”

Jonathan Jones, Director of Commercial and Industrial at Airedale (pictured) said: “This HTM 03-01 white paper allows those making the specification to understand in more depth the HTM 03-01 specification, interrogate the designs proposed, and – in a minority of instances – ask the right questions before potentially and inadvertently compromising their healthcare facility.”

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