
Dfendoor doors for Harefield heart and lung wards

In a recent project, Golden Thread Fire Delay was the chosen contractor for a ‘pivotal upgrade’ at Harefield Hospital, installing SDS (Specialist Door Solutions) Dfendoor hospital doorsets, in the extensively refurbished Maple Ward, which houses adult patients requiring heart and lung critical care treatment.

The Maple Ward required new doorsets that could both meet the highest standards of fire integrity, resilience, durability, and hygiene, and would positively impact the overall wellbeing of patients, staff, and visitors. SDS said: “The Dfendoor doorsets – known for their exceptional toughness and minimal maintenance requirements, were chosen to play a transformative role in elevating fire safety performance within Maple Ward, strictly adhering to BM Trada standards for fire test compliance combined with infection control. Golden Thread Fire Delay’s installation  of the doorsets added an extra layer of proficiency to the project. Despite facing initial budget considerations, its meticulous approach and commitment to a higher specification and ‘right first time’ mentality perfectly aligned with the clinical environment's demands.”

The entire project was bespoke, requiring thoughtful answers for problems such as existing low-level corridor trunking. SDS explained: “Golden Thread Fire Delay skilfully navigated this issue to ensure the frames fitted precisely while maintaining compliance with fire-tested details. The project involved replacing doors dating back to the 1950s, addressing their outdated appearance, end-of-life maintenance issues, and unknown fire performance capability. The installer’s comprehensive approach highlighted its expertise in overcoming unique challenges, and underscored the company’s dedication to providing best-practice solutions – fully third-party-certified under BRE/LPCB installer scheme LPS 1271.

John Calvert, Fire Safety manager at Royal Brompton Hospital and Harefield Hospital, said: “We are very pleased with the SDS doorsets and the installation undertaken by Golden Thread Fire Delay. The Dfendoor hospital doorsets have surpassed our stringent fire safety and infection control standards, and have also proven a visual and functional asset in the critical care environment of our newly transformed ward. SDS’s innovative design and manufacturing expertise, coupled with Golden Thread Fire Delay’s careful installation, have helped enhance fire safety and infection control, and the project has showcased the importance of fire door upgrades in an exacting healthcare environment.”


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