
Ensuring critical power needs are properly met

Healthcare providers have a duty of care to patients. Along with nursing and medical staff, this includes the requirement that healthcare estates and facilities management and healthcare engineering personnel ensure that appropriate governance arrangements for critical power back-up at their particular healthcare facility are managed effectively. Alex Emms, Technical director at Kohler Uninterruptible Power (KUP), looks at some of the key considerations.

Healthcare-specific technical engineering guidance is a vital tool in the safe and efficient operation of healthcare facilities, so that if disturbances to mains power do occur, patient or staff safety is not in danger. The key challenges in protecting critical power in healthcare situations include:

As healthcare facilities, and operating theatres in particular, rely heavily on technology for patient care, it is crucial to have reliable power protection solutions in place. There are many considerations on the most suitable systems, how they are designed to work together, and how they integrate with other legacy equipment. There are compliance requirements from HTM 06-01 and BS 7671 with regulation on the integration of a UPS into the electrical infrastructure to ensure a well-designed, reliable, and resilient system in a hospital or other medical facility.

Medical IT systems – evaluating risk to business continuity

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