
Steam boiler operator ‘skills gap’ addressed

Having met for the first time in 2017 at IHEEM’s conference events, 2024 is the year that will officially see PPL Training and Fulton join forces to deliver Steam Boiler Operator training to the UK’s healthcare estates professionals.

Fulton National Consultant specialist, Leigh Bryan (pictured right, with PPL Training Sales director, Jonathan Eland), says of the wider benefits of the training course designed by the boiler manufacturer: “Competency and safety are key focuses of the courses, for sure. To us though, it’s more than just that. We outline the operator’s procedures that can improve boiler efficiency and reliability while offering appropriate record-keeping guidance in-line with the HSE’s INDG436 guidance – Safe management of industrial steam and hot water boilers. We’re excited to partner with PPL to bring our courses to a wider audience, which includes IHEEM’s members and the wider NHS estate”.

With both firms recognised as IHEEM Knowledge Partners, PPL and Fulton bring over 30 years of experience of training delivery to this particular practice. Jonathan Eland added: “Fulton is a trusted manufacturer of steam boilers, and offers some great after-care services, including training. We’re thrilled to add steam boilers to our growing list of areas covered within healthcare estates and facilities via this partnership, where we will deliver training on site at any hospital in the UK, ensuring it is specific to their own steam boiler installation.”

Listings for Steam Boiler Operator – Foundation (SB1) and Steam Boiler Operator – Safe Working Practices (SB2) have been added to PPL Training’s website, and directly with dedicated healthcare account manager, Jon Savage.

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