
Scanner aids preventive care

Preventive health organisation Preventicum has pioneered a new approach to preventive medicine, based on an integrated strategy for early diagnosis, by combining individualised care with the most advanced examination methods available. The company recently extended its organisation into the UK with the launch of its first clinic in West London, and the centrepiece of its service is a Philips’ Achieva 1.5T MRI scanner for fast scanning, expanded applications and enhanced workflow.

The Achieva family is built on Philips’ “Sense” technology, enabling scan reductions by up to a factor of eight. The innovative FreeWave data acquisition system with scalable 32-channel architecture maximises image quality and future versatility. Clinicians are able to scan the total body in less than two minutes and a complete neuro exam can be completed in less than one minute. Preventicum checkups are tailored to the individual, and designed to provide a comprehensive level of service, including consultations with the company’s medical director, GP and occupational physician, Dr Michael Clarke. In addition to MRI, there is a physical examination, plus ECG, stress test, ultrasound examinations and extensive blood tests.

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