
Sustainability in focus for IPS and cladding specialist

Via its ‘seamless integration’ of in-house manufacturing and installation capabilities, BioClad says it has not only streamlined the process, but can also ensure that quality and reliability are at the forefront of all of its extensive range of antimicrobial cladding and wall protection products, and its IPS units. Sales and Marketing Manager, Sophie Warhurst, and Business Development manager, Joshua Tattersall, report.

As BioClad enters a new chapter, with a recent manufacturing extension in late 2023, our focus sharpens on sustainability and the company's pivotal role in shaping the future of construction materials. With a steadfast commitment to reducing its environmental footprint, BioClad has embarked on a journey towards greater sustainability in manufacturing. With our production line busier than ever, we are set to have a record-breaking year, having already supplied and installed 141 IPS units this year, working with Harrogate Hospital and Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, and with a further 49 units currently in production for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of Darwin Group.

Meanwhile, with the backdrop of the NHS drive towards Net Zero, and wider climate change challenges ever in focus, the spotlight on sustainability has never shone brighter. We at BioClad have ensured that we have a clear and direct approach to ensuring that we can reduce our carbon footprint in multiple areas of the business.

A major part of our drive towards greater sustainability is our prioritisation of environmental factors related to our manufacturing processes, products, and services. We recognise both our ethical duty and legal obligation to safeguard the environment, minimise pollution, and uphold safe, healthy, and sustainable areas. We are equally committed to ensuring that our business activities do not compromise the surrounding areas in which we operate.

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