
Disposing of human waste safely and hygienically

New advances in sluice room technology mean that hospitals can improve their infection prevention and control procedures – while still saving money and reducing carbon emissions, according to ‘world-class’ infection prevention and control specialist, DDC Dolphin. The company’s Marketing and HR director, Zoe Allen, outlines the latest new opportunities available to NHS Trusts.

Advances in bedpan washer-disinfector technology are helping hospitals to improve infection prevention procedures and make sluice rooms more sustainable. Trusts can cut costs, reduce carbon emissions, and help clinicians to save time — enabling them to dedicate more time to delivering hands-on care.

Traditionally, hospitals have tended to favour medical pulp macerators over bedpan washer-disinfectors. Macerators shred medical pulp bedpans into tiny pieces and flush them directly into the sewerage system. Once the macerator lid is closed, those single-use bedpans will never be seen again. It's a 'flush and forget' system. The 'downside', however, is that hospitals need to purchase and store large amounts of medical pulp. This is why care homes tend to invest in bedpan washer-disinfectors rather than macerators. Care homes simply don't have the kind of space that hospitals do (although the latter would argue that they too have capacity constraints).

Bedpan washer-disinfectors employ thermal disinfection processes that involve high-temperature steam, ensuring the destruction of bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful microorganisms. This thorough disinfection is critical in preventing the transmission of infections through contaminated reusable items.

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