
COVER STORY: P4 reflects on 35 years in emergency lighting

At P4 we have been manufacturing self-testing emergency lighting for over 35 years, starting out in Bedfordshire in The Warner family home. In 2011, following several strategic growth steps, we moved into our current purpose-built factory in Fakenham, Norfolk.

We have come a long way, achieving BSI accreditation of our systems and operation, BSEN14001, and certification to the self-testing emergency lighting standard, BSEN 62034.

Our sales team talk to people daily who are hearing about self-testing emergency lighting for the first time. Many face manually testing their emergency lighting, knowing that if they fail to achieve the minimum testing requirements of a monthly functional test and annual duration test, they could face fines, and even imprisonment. Hearing there is a time and money saving-solution available to assist them really is a breath of fresh air. 

For many lighting companies, emergency lighting is dull. They focus instead on the controls and aesthetics of mains lighting, viewing emergency lighting as a necessary evil, and yet it is the part of the lighting system that really can save lives. Lighting design is an art, and mains and emergency lighting can and do work well together. We have recently extended our mains lighting offering in recognition. 

Emergency lighting has evolved from tungsten filament lamps, (some will remember the ‘Pygmy Lamp’), through the demise of fluorescent lighting, to the current light source of choice – LED. P4 has produced LED emergency lighting since 1989, and the only time our emergency lighting conversion service sees a fluorescent lamp today is when we are building a bespoke LED replacement gear tray to replace it.

 It’s not just light sources that have evolved. Innovation in technology has enabled P4 to offer a 10-year warranty on its self-testing emergency lighting – via LiFePo4 batteries and system communication to a central data collection point. Thirty years ago, P4 developed its ‘Link’ system, currently installed in at least 25% of NHS Trusts. This evolved into 2.4 GHz and 868 MHz wireless communication systems, and now our FMT self-healing mesh systems. Reliability, greater communication, and compliance made easy. Who said emergency lighting was dull?

 P4 Limited
1 Wymans Way
NR21 8NT
T: 01328 850 555
E: sales@p4fastel.co.uk

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