MPC Services says it is proud to announce the introduction of the latest packaged treatment plant for the high efficiency treatment of effluent from your site.
The company explained: “The patented FujiClean systems are the ideal upgrade to legacy on-site sewage treatment to comply with the ever more stringent environmental compliance requirements associated with existing sites and new developments. FujiClean brings high waste water treatment performance with genuine sustainability and cost benefits compared with traditional sewage treatment systems or expensive tankering.
“Natural England, the Environment Agency, and the latest directives from OFWAT, all stress the importance of prevention of non-compliant effluent, how critical Biodiversity Net Gain is, and ensuring that nutrient neutrality is maintained in water ecosystems; FujiClean systems tick all these boxes with unprecedented performance delivered at a competitive value. Low operating costs and a straightforward installation process are key to the success of the system, with hundreds of thousands of installations worldwide.”