
Vernacare steps up HAI initiatives

Vernacare has doubled production of its single-use wash bowl to meet worldwide demand in the fight against hospital-acquired infections.

Since developing what it says was the world’s first pulp wash bowl two years ago to overcome the infection risk of washing patients using traditional plastic bowls, it has sold almost 11 million, with over 130 UK NHS Trusts and health boards adopting it. Following a £1.5 million investment in automating its Greater Manchester factory, Vernacare has set up an additional production line for the detergent-proof bowl to enable it to meet growing domestic demand and expand its export business. Paula Cockcroft, product manager, said: “It took years of development to create a leak-proof wash bowl out of pulp, and none of our competitors has yet been able to follow us. Demand exceeded our most optimistic forecast, but happily we can now meet demand from new customers and ensure a sustainable supply for the future.”


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