A 20-page A4 booklet detailing his experiences as a blind person and including helpful practical tips on the considerations for the visually impaired, has been produced by Klaus Kopp (pictured), an elected public Governor representing Basildon members of South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT).
Covering areas such as guide dog etiquette, communication considerations, alternative formats, guiding, and the problems visually impaired people face daily, the booklet is available free from the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service. T: 0800 0857 935 or email: pals@southessex-trust.nhs.uk The author said: “The book was written as a reflection of my many experiences, and as a guide for those who may not be aware of the considerations the visually impaired have. Even the colour of print may vary from person to person, but so often we are told what suits us, or presented with no alternative.”