
Medical tester accuracy ensured

Rigel Medical has launched a unique IEC 60601Checkbox to verify the in-service accuracy of electrical medical safety analysers. The device is designed to verify the performance of safety analysers between formal calibrations to provide an effective control system and avoid situations where testing may be undertaken with instruments that are out of true specification.

The Rigel 601 Checkbox is designed to accurately replicate the leakage characteristics of equipment designed to IEC 60601-1 providing up to 11 patient connections. With the ability to generate both AC and DC leakage currents as well as offering dedicated F-type circuitry, the device is able to provide calibrated values for earth leakage, enclosure leakage, patient leakage and patient leakage mains on applied parts. In addition, it is able to provide a series of highly accurate resistance values to check the linearity of the earth bond and insulation measuring circuits.

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