
CO2 targets ‘extraordinarily challenging’

A recently published report from international engineering consultancy Parsons Brinckerhoff Powering the Future – mapping our low-carbon path to 2050, concludes that achieving an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 will be “feasible but extraordinarily challenging”.

It says that achieving this will require urgent, large-scale effort across every sector. Key findings include:

• Strong government leadership is essential; a “piecemeal” approach will fail.
• Widespread adoption of wind power to meet the 2020 EU Renewables Directive will undermine the UK’s ability to meet critical 2050 targets.
• A “large-scale and rapid” switch to electric vehicles, and development of a nationwide vehicle charging infrastructure, are essential.
• Insulation levels for domestic and commercial buildings must “radically improve”, alongside more efficient lighting and hot water systems.


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