Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust has launched an exciting new recycling initiative across its administration and catering departments. The green overhaul includes the provision of recycling bins across the hospital to encourage staff to recycle all consumer waste including paper, cardboard, plastics, cans and glass.
The initiative aims to create a sustainable workplace by encouraging staff to recycle and making the process as straightforward as possible. Comingled recycling is in place meaning all waste products can be placed in the same bin. Posters have been placed across the hospital to remind staff to recycle.
The programme will address changes in European legislation which require all Trusts to demonstrate good practice in environmental performance.
The project is being delivered by London Remade, a not-for-profit recycling market development programme which provides advice and support for recycling initiatives across the capital.
Philip Homes, facilities manager for Chelsea and Westminster Hospital said: “People are now used to recycling at home and it is a natural step to introduce similar processes into the workplace. London Remade has helped to implement an accessible and effective recycling system in which all members of staff can be involved.
We hope to significantly reduce the levels of waste being produced by the hospital to create a truly sustainable workplace.”