
Water system issues set for scrutiny

The management of large, and often complex, water systems in healthcare facilities, and the need to maintain excellent hygiene, will be discussed at three IHEEM “Water systems” seminars in Leeds on 8 September, Birmingham on 22 September, and London on 10 November.

The organisers added: “With large complex water systems, and highly vulnerable and susceptible occupants, it is critical that we avoid water hygiene problems; maintain a suitable, stable supply, and avoid contamination with discharges such as body fluids, waste, radioactive materials, and chemicals, as well as avoid wastage of this precious resource. This seminar will see experts consider these and the other issues, and provide guidance on some of the key water system management challenges.” For further information, or to book, visit: www.iheem.org.uk/events or telephone Jeff Pickering, on: 023 9282 3186.

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