Newcastle University has awarded fitout, construction, and management services specialist ISG a £7.1 million project by to create a “world class” health and ageing research facility at Newcastle General Hospital.
The new Translational Research Building will link two existing facilities – the Henry Wellcome Biogerontology Building, and the Clinical Ageing Research Unit – as a further development of the University’s evolving “Campus for Ageing and Vitality”. The four-storey steel-framed building will provide patient care facilities, specialist teaching accommodation, research, and “business incubator” space. It is hoped its location, between two world-renowned research facilities, will help foster collaborative working, promote R&D opportunities, and attract commercial organisations to the University. In a separate, £5.5 m project, ISG is to re-locate the University of Bradford’s School of Health Studies from its Trinity Road campus to its central city site. The contract will see a new four-storey concrete-framed extension, and a fifth floor office extension (see artist’s impression above), added to the existing Horton A Building, which will also be fully refurbished.