
International travel bursary

Working with you to develop your career” is a strapline familiar to the many visitors to the IHEEM website since its October 2010 launch. As a practical example of the way IHEEM is seeking to foster opportunities for members to develop their careers, the Institute is launching an international travel bursary award for 2011.

The scheme will provide an annual award to enable two qualifying members to travel abroad and participate in a specific and relevant healthcare engineering or facility management project in a developing nation. Up to £5,000 will be available to each to reimburse travel and accommodation expenses. IHEEM Chief Executive John Long said: “This is an excellent initiative that will provide encouragement and benefit for the Institute’s ambitious younger members who want to become leaders in their field of expertise. The scheme will provide inspirational young people with IHEEM support to undertake wider professional development, and gain valuable project management experience, while providing a technical contribution to a developing nation. This is a worthy cause for all concerned.” Full details may be found on the IHEEM website, but the scheme’s key points are:

• The bursary is open to all Graduate and young members of the Institute.
• The award is a £5,000 grant to cover travel and accommodation expenses.
• Candidates are asked to undertake or take part in a specific and relevant healthcare engineering or facility management project in a developing nation.
• The bursary award winners will be adjudged and decided by the Membership Committee annually in April. r The project must be completed by 31 December in the year in which the award is granted.
• Bursary recipients will be expected to submit a 2,000-2,400 word article for Health Estate Journal within three months of their return from travel.

Applications are now invited from eligible members. All initial submissions must be made to the IHEEM office by 31 March.

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