
‘Intelligent’ technology research facility opens

Royal Philips Electronics has opened a dedicated research facility at its Eindhoven-based Research Laboratories which will develop ‘healing environment concepts’ that ‘harness intelligent technology’ to accelerate and improve treatment outcomes, while simultaneously reducing the stress and anxiety associated with hospitalisation.

Concepts being studied include a system that uses ‘soothing lighting and calming video images and sounds’ to reduce stress among patients awaiting a PET-CT scan; the waiting rooms for such procedures having been identified as among the most stressful environments for cancer patients. Philips is investigating new ‘healing environment solutions’ at the new facility in scenarios that match as closely as possible those encountered in real hospitals. Research is already well under way, and will continue, on projects looking into using sensory and algorithmic technology to prevent delirium in intensive care units (pictured), and at ‘the adaptive personalisation’ of patient rooms. Already developed by Philips is Ambient Experience, a system for medical imaging room and emergency departments that combines ‘architecture, design and technology’ (e.g. lighting, sound, and projection) to create an environment designed both to reduce the anxiety, and increase the comfort, of children being scanned, and to improve hospital workflow.


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