In a recent webinar held jointly by NHS Property Services (NHSPS) and health and social care charity and ‘think tank’ , The King’s Fund, 85 per cent of participating NHS Estates and Finance leads said they would be more likely to attempt to access alternative funding methods following the discussions.
Ensuring water safety in the drive to Net Zero
Anil Madan, Non-Residential Marketing manager at Ideal Standard UK and Armitage Shanks, reports on an Armitage Shanks 2024 Water Safety Forum hosted at the London Design and Specification Centre in Clerkenwell, which brought together experts from across the healthcare sector to explore the question, ‘How can the drive to Net Zero in the NHS be...
Prescribing a greater role for ‘integrated hospitals’
Simon Lovegrove, CEO of MHealth, who has considerable experience as the lead on, or as a contributor to, the development of over 150 hospitals globally, and has managed major hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and China, explains why – based on his own experience – he believes integrated...
Tool ‘tracks’ IPC design, derogation, and risk
In the first two of three infection prevention and control (‘IPC’)-themed articles published late last year in HEJ (October and November 2024) from senior architects at HLM, associate director for healthcare, Neil Orpwood, and head of Healthcare, Melanie Jacobsen Cox, focused on the need for early collaboration between designers, architects, and...
The varying routes to registration highlighted
The opening Day One keynote session at last year’s Healthcare Estates conference saw three complementary presentations on the importance of engineering, the challenges of recruiting more engineers to help address current and anticipated skills shortages, and some of the work by the Engineering Council, EngineeringUK, and the NHS England NHS Estates...
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The architecture and planning of a hospital is of crucial long-term importance to functionality and successful patient care. It forms the basis for optimal hospital processes and, in turn, minimises the workload of hospital personnel. We have been supporting workplace design in the field of acute care for over 50 years. With our expertise in...