

Monitoring vaccine temperatures effectively

As efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine continue, keyc onsiderations emerge with regards to the vaccine cold chain throughout mass distribution.

Resilience and capacity boosted at Newcastle’s RVI

A look at the major upgrade of the HV and LV electrical infrastructure at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI), which took over a year in planning, and a further 18 months’ work to complete.

Facilitating the clinician’s ‘real life-saving work

Michael Brown, a Biomedical Services Technician based at Christchurch Public Hospital, , discusses his day-to-day job, and the important role such engineering personnel play in enabling clinicians to do ‘the real-life-saving work’.

Cutting energy consumption and enhancing comfort

Ann Vandycke, an architect and the head of the Technical Department at Belgian care organisation, Mintus, examines some of the latest innovations in building technologies.

Simple designs and low maintenance prioritised

Access to a safe water supply is critical in healthcare environments, and complying with the Department of Health and Social Care’s Technical Memorandum, HTM 04-01, is crucial for estates and facilities managers, suppliers, and NHS management teams.

Delivering projects efficiently with minimal disruption

Jonathan Baillie, recently spoke to David Hartley, managing director at MTX Contracts, about how modern methods of construction have become increasingly popular for a variety of healthcare buildings in recent years.

Challenges of maintaining a pest-free hospital

David Cross, head of the Technical Training Academy at Rentokil Pest Control, and Paul Casson, Technical field manager at Rentokil Specialist Hygiene, look at some of the pest control challenges facing healthcare estates teams, and how to meet them.

Up-to-date standards key when choosing disinfectants

Dr Tim Sandle, discusses why the most up-to-date standards, known as European Norms (EN), should always be considered when selecting cleaning and disinfection products for use in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Antibacterial efficacy of silver in hoses proven in study

Antibacterial hoses incorporating a silver-based bacteriostatic additive were shown to significantly outperform additive free control hoses in reducing mean aerobic bacterial counts of Pseudomonas aeruginosa after 8-12 weeks.

Newcastle Trust ‘leads way’ on climate change action

Last summer The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, became the world’s first healthcare organisation to declare a Climate Emergency.

Shielding from COVID-19 in community pharmacies

As the coronavirus spreads, so our understanding grows that those providing health services must be protected from contracting the virus at their places of work – a pharmacy being no exception.

Helping clinicians to do their job ‘better, faster, and safer'

A simple guide to help choose the best communication devices for clinicians.

Changes inprospect as we return to‘the new normal’

A look at how the physical healthcare environment can continue to provide a safe, fit-for-purpose setting for high quality care as services start to be recommissioned, and planned care recommences, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

Dealing responsibly with COVID-19 PPE waste

‘The most pertinent and repeated’ question the company has received in recent days is ‘How should we manage clinical waste in relation to COVID-19 crisis?’ Here he explains how such waste can be safely and responsively disposed of.

Challenging existing protein residue removal methods

Discussion on a recent research initiative at the hospital – on the most effective ways to remove protein residue from surgical instruments – acknowledged as a considerable challenge using current, established methods.

Engineering better ways to control HAIs post-COVID-19

The Chief Executive of the Royal Academy of Engineering reports on the encouraging and committed response from engineers to a call for engineers ‘to help identify solutions, organisations, and contacts’ that could support the response to COVID-19

Bracing healthcare facilities for impact of pandemics

A Director at Anglia Ruskin University argues that while NHS personnel have undertaken tremendous work during the coronavirus outbreak, a re-think is needed on making healthcare facilities more resilient to events such as pandemics.

Improving hygiene and maintaining infection control

Recently, handwashing has taken on a significant role to prevent the spread of pathogens and maintain the nation’s collective health.

Don’t take your eye off water safety during the outbreak

With the COVID-19 outbreak, associated steps to ensure patient, staff, and visitor safety, are currently likely to be uppermost in the minds of healthcare estates teams.

A staged approach to meet carbon reduction targets

With the UK currently not ‘on track’ to achieve the fourth or fifth carbon reduction targets introduced under the Climate Change Act, Stephen Lowndes, Technical director at the Carbon & Energy Fund discusses.

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