
Does your MGPS meet the standard?

BOC stresses to healthcare estates and facilities managers at hospitals with a medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) that they will need an Authorising Engineer service to meet HTM 01-02 standards – which stipulate a continuous cycle of assessment, audit, training, and review.

Richard Maycock, IEng MIHEEM (pictured), the AE for several NHS Trusts and private hospitals, who can also provide remote AP and AE services, manages BOC’s Healthcare’s Medical Engineering Services team, which provides a full range of services to ensure hospital medical gas pipeline systems meet the required standards. The company explained: “As the Authorising Engineer, Richard Maycock will work with the Authorised Person (AP) to ensure that the pipeline system is managed in accordance HTM guidance, i.e. that the relevant staff:

•  Are familiar with the system, its valving, alarms, and emergency reserves.
• Review relevant documentation and management systems.
•  Have evidence of up-to-date training.”

The team can deliver training courses for EBME staff, nurses, and porters, to enable working practices to meet the HTM standard. BOC also offers consultancy services, Operational Policy, ‘as-fitted drawings’, specification and design, provision of Authorised Persons, annual test and inspection, audits, and risk assessments.


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