Space for Health (SfH), the website where DH technical guidance, including Health Building Notes and Health Technical Memorandums – could be found, has now closed, ‘in line with the Government’s Digital Communications Strategy’, the Department of Health’s Estates and Facilities Policy Division explains.
GOV.UK is ‘the new home’ for all the department’s corporate web content, including news, speeches, press releases, publications, consultations, committee reports ‘and more’. The Devolved Administrations have moved their HBN and HTM content to their own, country-specific, websites, while estates and facilities technical guidance for England can now be found at Specifically, HBNs can be found at: department-of-health/series/healthbuilding- notes-core-elements, and HTMs at: government/organisations/department- of-health/ series/health-technicalmemorandum- disinfection-andsterilization. The DH adds: “Alternatively, from the home page, type ‘health building note’ or ‘health technical memorandum’ into the search box, and then select the ‘Inside Government’ tab to navigate to the publications.” Work is still ongoing to migrate all the existing content from SfH to GOV.UK Archived material has been moved to: