
Strong support for heavy plant

Big Foot Systems has expanded its Heavy Duty range, designed to support plant and installed services on flat roofs.

Its freestanding systems are designed and manufactured for applications including HVAC equipment, solar units, and safe access equipment, and provide ‘complete, simple, safe, and secure nonpenetrative’, prefabricated roof support systems. The range includes the Big Foot HD Cube framework specifically manufactured to support heavier building services such as chillers, packaged plant, and large airhandling units on flat roofs, without the need to crane in steel RSJs or cast traditional concrete plinths early in the construction. The Big Foot HD Beam is ‘a lighter companion’, designed for use either where space is limited, or where equipment needs to be directly positioned over existing structural beams, and is ‘ideal’ for supporting steels, chillers, packaged plant, heavy pipes, and cabling.


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