
Royal Free facility to conduct global immunology research

Multi-disciplinary construction consultancy, Edmond Shipway, recently completed its work role as cost manager on the £6 million Phase 1 development of the Institute of Immunity, Infection and Transplantation, a new research facility for University College London and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, located at Hampstead’s Royal Free Hospital.

A partnership between University College London and the Royal Free, the Institute is the UK’s first global immunology research centre, and one of only five currently in existence worldwide. The Centre will bring together pioneering research and clinical trials in a purpose-built facility to give patients quicker access to the latest therapies for diseases including cancer, leukaemia, chronic infections including HIV and tuberculosis, autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, and ‘other rare conditions’, such as haemophilia. It will also undertake clinical trials. The Phase 1 works involved extensive refurbishment of the Royal Free’s second floor to create laboratories, clinical space, and a clinical trials unit. The development has enabled groups conducting research in immunology, infection, and transplantation, to be relocated directly alongside clinical services. Edmond Shipway added: “The cost management role (the main contractor was ISG, and the architects, Ansell & Bailey) involved ensuring that the new facility’s design and construction stayed within its demanding budgetary targets.” Phase II, valued at £47 m, is due for completion in summer 2017, and would see the development of a standalone building adjacent to the Royal Free housing further treatment facilities, laboratories, and 200 leading researchers.


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